Buttery sees the world from an elevated perspective and through a multidisciplinary lens. Our unfettered creative process and editorial style allow us to access your brand's heart + soul.

Whether we’re sinking our teeth into the discovery phase of a project or filming on a mountainside in a blizzard, there’s a mantra that guides us:


We fully immerse ourselves in your brand and investigate the stories behind the stories. We cut through the expected to discover and communicate your brand's core values and truths and why they matter.


We are a creative agency.
Our company is founded on passion for and expertise in design, video, photography, and writing.

We partner with people we believe in.We work with brands we can stand behind. Communities + destinations we'll return to again and again.

We play well with others.
We collaborate with thoughtful brands and build trust and relationshipsthrough storytelling and inspired creative solutions.

We live your story.
We are experiential learners who love nothing more than peeling back thelayers of a brand and discovering its untold stories.

Buttery’s multidisciplinary lens, journalistic approach, and editorial style is our creative advantage and differentiator.

Whether we’re sinking our teeth into the discovery phase of a project or filming on a mountainside in a blizzard, there’s a mantra that guides us:


We believe in fully immersing ourselves in your brand and investigating the stories behind the stories. We cut through the sameness and the expected to discover what truly sets your brand apart and why it matters.


We are a creative agency.
Our company is founded on passion for and expertise in design, video, photography, and writing / editorial / storytelling.

We partner with brands we believe in.Products we’d proudly represent. Places we’d return to again and again.
Institutions of higher learning and organizations we can stand behind.

We play well with others.
We collaborate with thoughtful brands and build trust andrelationshipsthrough storytelling and inspired creative solutions.‍

We live your story.
We are experiential learners who love nothing more than peeling back thelayers of a brand and discovering its untold stories.